next concert: "zu den Sternen" Lysander Francescatti, Cello & Iris Lichtinger, Piano - EISENBUCH, DAIHIZAN FUMONJI, Samstag, 14.9.24


M U S I C A, C U R  S I L E S ?

of music and silence

The Golden Age and the beginning of the modern era - masterpieces of music from the time of Emperor Maximilian I by Ludwig Senfl, Heinrich Isaac, Costanzo Festa, Kaspar Othmayr, Paul Hofhaimer and others. Performers: Stefan Steinemann, alto; Iris Lichtinger, Renaissance recorders; Tabea Schwartz, Renaissance viol; Vincent Kibildis, Renaissance harp; Michael Eberth, clavicytherium

Release date 15/3/2024 Label Perfect Noise

PRESSESTIMME: "...ein Album der feinsten sanften Töne. Eine Traum- und Zeitreise. Vielstimmig, polyphon und doch aus einem Guss." (Veronika Lintner, Augsburger Allgemeine)

Hie  erhältlich im  SHOP – Iris Lichtinger - Musikerin, Kuratorin, künstlerische Leiterin


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d r e a m i n g   a n d   w a k i n g 

CD - release on Perfect Noise label

available worldwide

Performers: Iris Lichtinger, baroque & renaissance recorders - Axel Wolf, archlute and theorbo

pizzicato- Remy Franck`s Journal about Classical Music (13/02/2023) – A program « between dream immersion and joie de vivre from the multinational melting pot of baroque London » has been put together by recorder player Iris Lichtinger and lutenist Axel Wolf. The interpretations are colorful, fresh and transparent, but also very ‘classical’, that is, without any excesses in terms of tempo and dynamics. Lichtinger’s virtuosity never seems labored and is remarkable in all respects. I also very much like the richly ornamented playing of Axel Wolf.  (Perfect Noise PN2205) – ♪♪♪♪

Klassik heute- (04/03/2023)  "... verbinden bravouröse Virtuosität mit einem noblen, diskreten Klang. Die Stimmen wickeln sich wie Blütenranken umeinander."
SCHERZO.ES 13/04/2023 / Eduardo Torrico"Estamos, pues, ante una verdadera delicia, porque el acierto en la elección de las piezas es pleno y porque tanto Lichtinger como Wolf tocan de manera precisa, refinada y honda."

The essence is that our mind shuts off while listening to the music and it continues without needing to be checked. That is what you experience in the border area between waking and dreaming. Serene and brilliantly performed.
Music Emotion, 01-4-2023

Samuel Pepys (1633 - 1703) muses on the difference between dreaming and waking in his personal diary, which the English member of the House of Commons, Secretary of State of the Royal Navy and passionate amateur musician kept over the years 1660 - 1669. Among other things, he played the lute and noted on Thursday, April 16, 1668, that he had begun to learn the recorder, the sound of which attracted him most of all the sounds in the world (source: The Diary of Samuel Pepys)

The new CD by Iris Lichtinger and Axel Wolf  includes compositions by contemporaries from the multinational artistic melting pot of London, some of which are also mentioned in this diary. A musical aural preciosity of the two subtle and virtuosic musicians between dream immersion and joie de vivre.


N E W  V I D E O  |  N E U E S  V I D E O

MELTING from stefanie sixt, sixt sense on Vimeo.

Stefanie Sixt, mehrfach mit internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnete Visual-Art-Designerin hat für und mit PROGETTO 600 ein neues Musikvideo geschaffen: MELTING

Stefanie Sixt, visual art designer who has won several international awards, has created a new music video for and with PROGETTO 600: MELTING